We think it’s really important for parents to continue having adventures and experiences after kids come into the picture, not just for the kids, but for the parents too. We hope this blog will inspire and give the tools and tips needed to those who are a little shy to take the leap. It’s not as scary as it seems and kids can do way more than a lot of adults give them credit for.
We began taking our children overseas when our first child was only 10 months old and moved to Haiti when our youngest was 10 weeks old. Since growing our family, we have lived in 3 countries and visited 11 countries with our children. Our kids have picked up French, Haitian Creole, and Spanish. They started hiking as soon as they could walk, with both hiking their first mile on an easy trail before they were 1.5 years old. We started camping or going on roadtrips with them when they were babies.
Life doesn’t end when kids are added to the picture–it begins in a whole new and fun way.